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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Never give up the dream

There is a boy living with his father, who worked as a horse trainer. Due to work, fathers are to live as a nomad. He went from farm to farm to train the horses were not tamed. As a result, the boy's education was not very stable. One day, the teacher told him to write an essay entitled, "Growing up I wanted to do for a living?".

That night, he has written seven page paper describing aspirations of someday own a horse farm. I express my dreams more real. Rather I draw the diagram for future horse farm area of ​​about 200 samples, in which you specify where to build a house, as the place where the horses run.

Finished, the boy brought the teacher submissions.

A few days later, he got back to his post with a big one and a bright red line of his remarks "Come see me after class."

So the last time he came to me and asked:

- Teacher, why I was the one?

- I have a work plan that you can not do it. My dream has no basis in fact. I do not have the money to come from a close family no stable residence. Generally, they are not a viable resource to make their estimates. You know owning a horse farm, you need to have a lot of money? Now I give you to make the post office. If you fix it more realistic, I will consider the scores of children. Is that clear?

That day, the boy went home and thought about forever. Finally he met his father for advice.

- I love you, yourself have to decide for three thought it was my dream.

Listen to respond father, the little boy smiled and then went to his teacher:

- Teacher, you will be able to keep his first point, but I would like to keep his dream.


Over the years, that teacher has accidentally led his 30 students to a farm 200 samples for camping. Coincidentally, two teachers met. Holding hands, he said:

- Hey, when he was studying with me, I stole his dreams, and for many years I did so well with other children, I am very sorry about that.

Hear him say, this boy was the boss quickly replied:

- No, sir, I can not fault anything, he just wants nothing more good things will come to his students only. And I just want to pursue the aspirations of his life.

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