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Monday, September 23, 2013

10 Tips To Healthy Eating

Experts agree the key to healthy eating is the time-tested advice of balance, variety and moderation. In short, that means eating a wide variety of foods without getting too many calories or too much of any one nutrient. These 10 tips can help you follow that advice while still enjoying the foods you eat.

Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you should eat depends on your calorie needs. Use the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels as handy references.
Enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Surveys show most Americans don't eat enough of these foods. Do you eat 6-11 servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group, 3 of which should be whole grains? Do you eat 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables? If you don't enjoy some of these at first, give them another chance. Look through cookbooks for tasty ways to prepare unfamiliar foods.
Maintain a healthy weight. The weight that's right for you depends on many factors including your sex, height, age and heredity. Excess body fat increases your chances for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer and other illnesses. But being too thin can increase your risk for osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities and other health problems. If you're constantly losing and regaining weight, a registered dietitian can help you develop sensible eating habits for successful weight management. Regular exercise is also important to maintaining a healthy weight.
Eat moderate portions. If you keep portion sizes reasonable, it's easier to eat the foods you want and stay healthy. Did you know the recommended serving of cooked meat is 3 ounces, similar in size to a deck of playing cards? A medium piece of fruit is 1 serving and a cup of pasta equals 2 servings. A pint of ice cream contains 4 servings. Refer to the Food Guide Pyramid for information on recommended serving sizes.
Eat regular meals. Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in overeating. When you're very hungry, it's also tempting to forget about good nutrition. Snacking between meals can help curb hunger, but don't eat so much that your snack becomes an entire meal.
Reduce, don't eliminate certain foods. Most people eat for pleasure as well as nutrition. If your favorite foods are high in fat, salt or sugar, the key is moderating how much of these foods you eat and how often you eat them.
Identify major sources of these ingredients in your diet and make changes, if necessary. Adults who eat high-fat meats or whole-milk dairy products at every meal are probably eating too much fat. Use the Nutrition Facts panel on the food label to help balance your choices.
Choosing skim or low-fat dairy products and lean cuts of meat such as flank steak and beef round can reduce fat intake significantly. 

If you love fried chicken, however, you don't have to give it up. Just eat it less often. When dining out, share it with a friend, ask for a take-home bag or a smaller portion.
Balance your food choices over time. Not every food has to be "perfect." When eating a food high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. If you miss out on any food group one day, make up for it the next. Your food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern.
Know your diet pitfalls. To improve your eating habits, you first have to know what's wrong with them. Write down everything you eat for three days. Then check your list according to the rest of these tips. Do you add a lot of butter, creamy sauces or salad dressings? Rather than eliminating these foods, just cut back your portions. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? If not, you may be missing out on vital nutrients.
Make changes gradually. Just as there are no "superfoods" or easy answers to a healthy diet, don't expect to totally revamp your eating habits overnight. Changing too much, too fast can get in the way of success. Begin to remedy excesses or deficiencies with modest changes that can add up to positive, lifelong eating habits. For instance, if you don't like the taste of skim milk, try low-fat. Eventually you may find you like skim, too.
Remember, foods are not good or bad. Select foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health.
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Love Never Die - Love Poems

Love Poems
Last night, lost remembrance of you
Came in my heart thus
Silently, verdure comes in desolation thus
Slowly, fragrant air blows in desert as
Sick feels rest without any reason as
My heart is restless for you still now
My eyes are waiting for you still now
I’m used to shed tears in nights ever
My faithfulness prays to you for ever
My nights, my dreams, my life call you
Come to fulfill my dreams, I call you
My life is incomplete without Love
Sincerity says, just you are my Love
Remain life is passing like a crime
I wish to live with you, my prince
Hope, soon you'll hear my voice
I Trust in God, you are my choice
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Monday, June 17, 2013

Give and take

One man amidst a vast desert. He was exhausted and thirsty, willing to trade anything just to get a sip of cool water.

Taking forever to go forever, until his legs were swollen sore, he saw one hut: old, torn, not windows.

He looked around and saw the tent in the dark corners 1, with 1 the old water pump and rusted. All became overshadowed beside the water pump, the man hurried forward, grab the handle tightly, the pumping strength. But not one drop of water that flows out both.

Frustrated, the man looked around the tent. This time, he was noticed 1 small jar. Adhering dust on the bottle, he read the words scrawled writing by taking the stone scraping up: "Let's dump all the water in the pump. And before you go, be sure to fill the jars back into this. "

The man turned the cap off, and rightly so, in containers filled with cool water. Suddenly, the man fell into one precarious situation. If you drink water in right place, make sure he can survive. But if he poured water into a rusty old pump, maybe it will pump fresh water from deep underground - a lot of water.

He considered the possibility of two choices: to risk pouring water into the pump for fresh water or drinking water in the pot as old and could not read the instructions? Anyway, the instructions do not know how long it had been there and still do not know exactly anymore ......

Eventually, he decided to pour all the water into the pump. Then he continued to emphasize the need of pumps, once, twice .... nothing happened! But panic, but if stopped, he will no longer a source of hope any more, so the patient man pumping up and down, again, again .... cool and fresh water started flowing out from the old pump. The man rushed into the drip bottle and drink.

Then he inspired the bottle, for someone who might not lucky as he lost his way and will be here. He closed the lid, and then write one sentence in the text are available on the bottle: "Please follow instructions. You have to give before you can receive. "
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Monday, June 3, 2013

13 Truth of life

1. Remember the past, accept the present and the future.

2. Helping others today then tomorrow will be a servant to her.

3. No one knows the full text of our lives, no one is perfect characters lack of human qualities.

4. Conditions of life is material, a sufficient condition of the spiritual life. If you lack either the physical and spiritual lives have no meaning.

5. Happiness of a child who is creating joy for others.

6. Suffering is the fruit of the spirit, happiness is the right of life.

7. Complete physical, mental comfort, life can be fun.

8. No one can survive days without food when, sleepless nights, and the body does not work.

9. Pure soul when life is no trace of suffering.

10. Love those who love you, dear dipped new acquaintances, and compassion for the suffering of those who do not hate anything.

11. Never lose faith in your life, you will not do anything to be successful.

12. Suffering will become happy when we know beyond yourself.

13. Eyes are the windows to the soul, when one can not bright eye, the ear is their window to the soul.

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Monday, May 27, 2013

When he does not love you ...

When he does not love you, do not ever call him again. Please do not wait, do not deceive yourself.

When he does not love you, would you stay in front of him, never shed tears, when sick, never telling him hear. Just to remember, my only love, can truly mourn for you. Is not that a consensus indifference, pity.

When he does not love you, your love becomes his or her responsibility. Please do not ever calculate that I would be nothing, never had any hope in return.

In love who does not love you, yourself can not repay. Diagram is right or wrong. So be happy. It must be remembered, the love between you and that person is unilateral, your heart, but heartless person. So do not blame him. Perhaps also because he wanted to do it a little better, do not neglect your need like that. Just ask the people, good for a person. Inherently was an instinctive thing. Sorry, something he does not have that instinct.

When he does not love you, hope you do not lose confidence in yourself. Because love someone, that person is not good stretch, but it was only a feeling. He makes you feel it, because you love him. Likewise, he does not love you, nor is it because you are not good stretch. Good ride, not a reason to love.

When he does not love you, need to be certain he or she wishes to be happy. There is love and there should be no hatred. Also do not feel resentment. Get out. He lost a love him, and you take away a person does not love you, but things reached a new life, a new chance to love.

When he does not love you anymore, would you breathe deeply, life on the road, littered with flower buds of love, there is always a flower bud that belong to you, it was not comforting. That is, this very life soon arranged like then.

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Happiness come from?

Happiness is when you count more fun than sadness. The following tips help you create a serene way of thinking to find joy in love, and in family life.

1. Do not blame him when you are frustrated
Just questions like: "Why do not you ever give flowers for the weekend, right?" Or "I know I do not like about that later did he still do that?" That the peace between the two dented.
When asked people to impose their thinking on the other. You thought he would understand and do what they want.
But "the man from Mars, women are from Venus". So sometimes the phase difference between the two is so different thoughts, not because he lacks love you.
The joy of life is largely dependent on the way you think. When unhappy about his behavior, instead of looking angry and blame, you try to understand him calm.
In this way we make things better, but he also "breathable".

2. Discover the art of giving
There is a big difference between voluntarily dedicate and present to the purpose of requiring paid off.
You'd like to give someone something, but secretly expecting a response. This is not how efficiently create joy.
You just build happy successful concept that brings joy lover like myself to create fun for that.
Tribute is heartfelt generosity without reckoning. What do you bring to that person because of their joy, not yours.
To do this, you must take the time to find out what he is interested, wants. In addition to the physical value, be more interested in the gifts bring spiritual values.
Happiness is secured by ropes attached to the soul - the crystallization of time and effort to bring joy to someone you love. He is also happy that you're happy.

3. Learn to listen
Every day we hear the voice of someone you love does not know how many times, but not so-called "good listener".
Let's think beyond where you are to really pay attention to what people love to talk. Also do I have to look forward to, "he / she will say what I want to hear."
Sometimes silence together for the same feel as a way to listen - how can the love of the sympathetic heart.

4. Do not try to change him
Many people believe that "two people love each other only when they want to change for each other." Because of that thought, I always expect love will change in the direction they want.
If you think this is just the frustration, sadness would come much more fun. Because happiness lies in your ability to love all things of the nature of the person.
When you meet him, all the good / bad they gathered in front of that. But you still feel love. So there's no reason to love and expect people to change?
Instead you want to change, you should look how to think and act in accordance with the "object." From there you will be gentle and serene. It's not fun or what we can expect?

5. Practice patience
The "ring" has become affordable obsolete in today's world? But the lack of this virtue, nothing will be sustained at all.
Listen to someone you love, we need to be patient. To understand the mind of someone you love, you also need patience. Success was achieved by not perhaps thanks to the patience or what?
To obtain happiness and joy in life, you can not go anywhere these irregularities. The "ring" sometimes people have to learn it all away. Do not look down on it okay.
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Story from ... life

This story is your story, the story of the life of each of us. If we, at this moment, I reflect back over a lifetime, reliving the memories of happiness, sadness, and feelings that we've been through, ... everything, we feel that we're happy to have experienced that moment. And from now on, we feel that our life is a book, a book that is life. This book is not finished, we are writing our own book. And so, let's take a deep breath and get to work.

Family: Have you ever told your parents, your siblings that you love them yet? I dare say not. We sometimes do not pay attention to what we have and do not appreciate it. We do not manifest our love to the family, and then one day, we regret that. I have lost grandparents, aunts and even more. I felt very well regret in my heart that I did not speak a word of love to them. And now, they are gone, I do not have a chance to do it again.

Friends: Have you ever, you define your friends is not the how? I also was not sure, and I congratulate you for that. We must have friends, and we cherish the friendship that we have with each other. I am very pleased to be acquainted with a lot of friends who do not pay attention to my bad habits that make you and share everything with me. And I know that when they need to, I will be by their side.

Love: Do you ever think your lover is not who I am? I'm sure of it. But have you ever thought that your ideal lover is not exist? That is one thing you need to share with you as a friend and not much more. That love is like a tug of war game between two of the world? When you and your friends have a dispute, if both of the pull, the rope will break, but if a drag, and drop the other, the rope will not break that is not sustainable forever. But remember, if you are a drag, do not pull too much, because the wire is not too long to where the enemy drop. Do not waste any opportunity. Let's appreciate what we have.

Marriage: Do you ever think about family life yet? I would not even say this much. For myself and do not have experience, but the human imagination is infinite. Do you think marriage will link the two together do not? That you have to accept everything the enemy and living together. I do not think deeply about it. I just hope that I do this. If you have some time, I, or my audience angry, the only thing I did was hug and tell him "I love you" because love is deleted disagreements and bind us together.

Children: Children are our pictures. So, try to create a good image, through which we can see the results of what we do through our children. And we're happy about that.

Career: Do you think I will ever do anything? Probably you are right then. But anyway, let's remember the principles of success: "Efforts before, after reaping." Try to contemplate this. It is very important to you. And remember, do not try to be all in vain.

And ... my story ...

Whether you have noticed, what people need most in this world, not fame, not money, not the house, not the land ... You do not realize, what people need most is Man ...

1. It is a very peaceful night, I was at home watching the TV drama favorite, the phone rang. She picked up the phone. Listen carefully, saying "Really, is that so, yeah ...". Then the printer. I caught a glimpse of her as a very strange anymore - withdrawn "jack" telephone plug. Then my mom to watch movies with my dad. That night fire Dong Xuan market. You tell every mother panicked that fire had burned to the fabric of our stall. After years of borrowing that is, first turn off the dark side, to rebuild from scratch. Once I asked her about that night, she said quietly: "I do not want to stalk up and rushed to announce that, thanks to how ...". Both the reel now, but in that moment, I just thought of my father.

2. My sister saved capital to buy a piece of land in the suburbs. Appointment is to bring people to deposit money, she hastily call a cab. Along the way, she encounters a group of men and women and children cut frantically holding out her cradling a baby buffalo and ask flagged aid to Hanoi. She immediately told me he drove back to the car, took her son, mother, sister and straight back to Hanoi. Her mother paralyzed with fear, just that hug the crying. Alone she cares for her baby to the emergency room, hospital, or even close the hospital bills always know who the mother did not have 100 thousand in the bag ...When she sure is safe, that she returned home. Never ride he mentioned how expensive, how hospital bills, or sad because like the other soil deposits were not in others hands. And so to the New Year, the sisters have more visitors from the country.

3. My father is a successful person, I love the job, go early to late, lost sleep loss. And my mother, in the eyes of the people, it is a normal woman with modest worries. But his father once told me that even though his father loved the job, but I do not need it, as well as parent homes do not need much, money. All you need is her father, mother's father has it all, including the very precious things, like ... us.

Sometimes you have to wonder about the people that you love. The calm where their hearts. The simple decision that drastically. The calm before the things they seemed very important, but it is not really important. The way they are passionate people. Simple, but intense.

But to understand them, you will understand the joy of seeing the crew land, the travelers seeing villages of the astronauts through the train window to see Earth, when Robinson is Friday, tender smile of anyone seeing a newborn baby. Both of why, people are constantly searching for extraterrestrial civilizations ... And a constant pain spilled into tears and scream when people since natural disasters, wars, sickness, which take each other in the human realm ...
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The most precious thing in life

This is a letter to you, the blog of a parent who does not share facilities with words, the three most precious gift of life.

When I was little I was playing, kept badgering usually only a few questions, "Why?" Three smiling no response, just guide me to find the answers themselves. The running back crying and asked her grandmother why this, why that it ... and three had heard her grandmother replied: "C ... voracious love her, everything that exists in this world has its own reasons . If there is no such reason, they do exist in this world. Most importantly, every second, every known species. The name does not do it other than its nature, but different in the mind of every person, because that name is because people put out ... "

Since then the three have never seen the introduction forgot his name with anyone, whether it be an acquaintance or a stranger, even with the teddy bear that I love Kina. I have introduced a whole they fully appreciate the yen as a way to confirm the presence of children in the world. My parents are happy I am proud of my name, as a gift for the dedicated parents.

You always remember the ones you do not even named my daughter everything and name all the things that I do not know what is it called ... I hope you remember that first precious thing as "the name ".

Yesterday both glad to cu Bin brother was born. This coincidence is also the date a few years ago, I was taking off. Two sisters share the birthday child. Birthday - three not know like Trinh Cong Son said "bad news from the birth mother to bring heavy" or not, but my son, you can not possibly deny fate.

Wishes of the parents of two sisters birthday child is "Live and courage." Feeding hungry, tired, then rest, do not worry much because life is simple capital. And every year on this day, take 5 years, 10 years or 20 years from now I hope parents will always love you and proud that I have helped on a small part of his life, me, please.

Thank you sisters have come to our family. My parents love me very much and "date of birth" is not affordable precious thing Monday?

In three roses with significant dedicated mother "I love you so much" and three want to do this every day though without any reason. My parents have lived together for many years now? 40 year period is a short non-life segment. I ask why parents can live happily together like that? "Love" ... certainly do love my dear! Parents believe the child will understand when you grow.

Do not you think that love is painful, as is anger broke ... do not misunderstand that I also love the roses, the bright sunshine and molasses. Love the way you live, how you share life together. This is your last price!

Send the request of the parents!
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If have a person truly loves you

If a man truly loves you ...
Proud ... he will refer you to friends and family you are his people he loves most.

If a man truly loves you ...
He said ... not only verbally but actions always used to tell others that you are the woman he loves most. Because of him you feel very proud, whether you have to be elite or not.

If a man truly loves you ...
Out of time ... for the job, his remaining time always for you, any time he wanted to see you.

If a man truly loves you ...
... He will not hesitate when you win a valuable gift materially because although he is struggling hard to earn the money.

If a man truly loves you ...
Absolutely not ... he insulted you, when you make him angry he just gently remind only.

If a man truly loves you ...
You should find a ... he's always behind you, this is not meant to observe that your costume is to go after to cover and protect you.

If a man truly loves you ...
No ... he's hesitant to take you shopping, walk around even spend a lot of time and his money.

If a man truly loves you ...
Whether you ... and he's not sticking together long he will take you hiking, watching the sea, watching movies, watching the sunset ... because he knows longing romantic moments like that.

If a man truly loves you ...
... He will not be attached to any other sweet words on the Net, so your images are always in his heart.

If a man truly loves you ...
He will ... ignoring the girlfriend he ever had sex before I met you.

If a man truly loves you ...
... After a day of hard work he will embrace you back saying "Honey, I have to." He loves you, he can not bring happiness to you.

If a man truly loves you ...
... Every morning before going to work, he'll kiss your eyes and say "AYE, I work here. I'll be with you soon. "

If a man truly loves you ...
Absolutely not ... he turned his back betrayed you, no matter what engine it is. Because in his eyes, you are the most beautiful, most adorable.

If a man truly loves you ...
... He will not get the reason for your busy work that earned too little time.

If a man truly loves you ...
He would ask ... who in your family is like the love of his family, who will also respect yourself and your friends as you respect the same.

If a man truly loves you ...
Forever ... he will not change whether it is truly the years have made him so sick of the way your hard crucified.

If a man truly loves you ...
He will not talk ... what else ... but let's make out what he said and help you realize the dream and gives you the confidence and stronger.

Somewhere in this big world, there will be a man truly loves you ♥
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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Never give up the dream

There is a boy living with his father, who worked as a horse trainer. Due to work, fathers are to live as a nomad. He went from farm to farm to train the horses were not tamed. As a result, the boy's education was not very stable. One day, the teacher told him to write an essay entitled, "Growing up I wanted to do for a living?".

That night, he has written seven page paper describing aspirations of someday own a horse farm. I express my dreams more real. Rather I draw the diagram for future horse farm area of ​​about 200 samples, in which you specify where to build a house, as the place where the horses run.

Finished, the boy brought the teacher submissions.

A few days later, he got back to his post with a big one and a bright red line of his remarks "Come see me after class."

So the last time he came to me and asked:

- Teacher, why I was the one?

- I have a work plan that you can not do it. My dream has no basis in fact. I do not have the money to come from a close family no stable residence. Generally, they are not a viable resource to make their estimates. You know owning a horse farm, you need to have a lot of money? Now I give you to make the post office. If you fix it more realistic, I will consider the scores of children. Is that clear?

That day, the boy went home and thought about forever. Finally he met his father for advice.

- I love you, yourself have to decide for three thought it was my dream.

Listen to respond father, the little boy smiled and then went to his teacher:

- Teacher, you will be able to keep his first point, but I would like to keep his dream.


Over the years, that teacher has accidentally led his 30 students to a farm 200 samples for camping. Coincidentally, two teachers met. Holding hands, he said:

- Hey, when he was studying with me, I stole his dreams, and for many years I did so well with other children, I am very sorry about that.

Hear him say, this boy was the boss quickly replied:

- No, sir, I can not fault anything, he just wants nothing more good things will come to his students only. And I just want to pursue the aspirations of his life.
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The secret of smile

In English the word "smile" means smile, a smile that you know is made up of elements which are not?

- Sweet: sweet.

- Marvellous: wonderful.

- Immensely likeable: adorable.

- Loving: loving.

- Extra special: critical component parts.

The smile seemed normal but is very valuable gifts that nature has generously bestowed upon mankind. How will we live without knowing smile? We will express how happy without smiling?

Smile can dispel any grief, heal all wounds, relieve loneliness and foremost is to bring people closer together ... Smile is the valuable asset that not everyone can be easy if you do not have to open our hearts to receive it ... Give yourself a smile with meaningful work, you'll see this wonderful life that would be!

You can make yourself to become a new man: morning wake up smiling, walked out of the house smiling, smiling when meeting others, smiling when working, resting and smiling - All this is a good habit. Smiling is a joy that you can self-perform.

- Smiling beautiful than our frown.

- Smiling makes us more happy.

- Smiling date that we are about to go through and become meaningful.

- Smiling useful for making friends.

- Denotes Smiling friendly, approachable.

- Smiling creates a good impression to others.

- Smile at someone else, others will smile with you.

- If you smile, you become more confident and more attractive.

- Your smile will alleviate the anxiety of others.

- A smile can get you true love.

When you give a smile to someone else, you may feel true joy, others are cheering your encouragement, their sentiments can therefore excited. You quickly find happiness to others for a more beautiful world, for a heart to express joy, we smile on!
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What is love?

You have found a true love?

Some people say, life is a process of finding love, each person has to find three people. The first is the one you love the most, people who love their second and third best companion in life (your life).
First you will see the one you love the most, understand the feeling of love, then met his sweetheart the most, and get a sense of being loved, you've experienced love and sense of "being" in love, can know What are their needs and also will find the most suitable partner in life.

Unfortunately, in real life, the three are often not the same as a person who you love the most do not choose you, who love you the most is not the one you love the most and your partner is not always the you love the most, is not love you the most, who appears only at the most appropriate!

You will be a few things in my life!?

No one want to change your love, when you love someone, that's when you truly love him, but when he does not love you and you really do not love, can not pretend not to love when the person you are in love, and he can not pretend to not love your love.

Love is the most beautiful thing in life

When a person does not love you want to leave me, I need to ask themselves are also really love that person anymore, because it is probably not his love makes him want to distance themselves. If you do not love him anymore, please do not ever self-esteem because she would not be away from him. If you still love him, of course you would hope he has a happy life, joy, hope he is in the one you love. Never stop, if you stop him get his real happiness means that you do not love him anymore, and also have lowered themselves for having accidentally let him know that I want possessed him. And if you do not love it as what you get for the person responsible for the silver.

Love is not possession, you like the moon, the moon can not be put in a box, but the light of the moon can make lighting in your room. Just as you love someone, you can still get him without possessing and making love becomes a memory eternal life.

So love with the heart or the brain?

If you really love someone, to ask the real people that love both the good and the bad love, love the advantages and disadvantages, absolutely love it because he hopes that it becomes a people as you want, if he can not come, then we do not love him anymore.

Ask someone who really does not say love is the reason why, you just know that, at any time, any where, good mood or bad, happy or sad, you are also desired him at your side, and that's enough, do not ask anything more ...

Distance is also a test of love, true love will never become angry love. Two people love each other, my favorite is the catch you have to swear, to promise, why should we start to do the same, all because we do not believe the enemy ... I do have things running smooth stone sea, sky and earth spread, if any, who do not live up to that day .... In love, one might say, as a perhaps, who could not believe what he said speaker and the listener does not believe what he heard ... That is a lie of love!

So you've found a few things for your life?
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Two grain

You're closing yourself somewhere to be safe, to keep intact the perfection of yourself?

Read the story below and ask yourself again: Do you want to go out there to do what you want with a little bit scared, a little bit challenging, a bit difficult, but it will break the bag tight to choking him, to really "live"?

"There are two grain it is retained for seed for the next season because both grains are good, are strong and make body again.

One day, the owner brought them to sow the fields nearby. County first said to myself: "What have rabies according to the boss. I do not want my whole body to be rotten in the land. It is best to keep us all nutrients in the crust and find an ideal place to reside. "Then it chooses a hidden corner of the barn to roll on it.

Also Monday, the grain would be boss day brings seeding. It's really happy to start a new life.

As time passed, the first grain to be dried up in the corner of the house because it did not receive water and light. Now that nutrients do not help-it is dying. Meanwhile, Monday though grain rotten in the land itself, but from the golden rice grows up, laden with grain. It brings to life the new grain ... "

Never shut yourself in the fixed shell sure to keep intact the sense of self which courageous step, silently bear rotten to contribute to the field's life a little rice - which is selected for the second seed.

I hope it will be your choice and I in front of the field this immense life ...
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Friday, May 24, 2013

When he does not love you ...

When he does not love you, do not ever call him again. Please do not wait, do not deceive yourself.

When he does not love you, would you stay in front of him, never shed tears, when sick, never telling him hear. Just to remember, my only love, can truly mourn for you. Is not that a consensus indifference, pity.

When he does not love you, your love becomes his or her responsibility. Please do not ever calculate that I would be nothing, never had any hope in return.

In love who does not love you, yourself can not repay. Diagram is right or wrong. So be happy. It must be remembered, the love between you and that person is unilateral, your heart, but heartless person. So do not blame him. Perhaps also because he wanted to do it a little better, do not neglect your need like that. Just ask the people, good for a person. Inherently was an instinctive thing. Sorry, something he does not have that instinct.

When he does not love you, hope you do not lose confidence in yourself. Because love someone, that person is not good stretch, but it was only a feeling. He makes you feel it, because you love him. Likewise, he does not love you, nor is it because you are not good stretch. Good ride, not a reason to love.

When he does not love you, need to be certain he or she wishes to be happy. There is love and there should be no hatred. Also do not feel resentment. Get out. He lost a love him, and you take away a person does not love you, but things reached a new life, a new chance to love.

When he does not love you anymore, would you breathe deeply, life on the road, littered with flower buds of love, there is always a flower bud that belong to you, it was not comforting. That is, this very life soon arranged like then.

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I love you very much !

While a man was polishing his car, the eldest son of his 4-year-old picked up a pebble and draw many ridges on the other side of the car next to him. While the anger, the man took the child's hand and hit without getting much stronger that he was using a wrench to screw type

The result is in the hospital, his son has lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the son saw his father's eyes show the pain, the boy asked, "Daddy, When is the new baby's fingers grow back?" The father felt very painful and did not say a word, he returned to his car and kicked it a lot.

While being tormented conscience and sitting opposite the side of the car, he suddenly saw the scratches by his son drew that: "Daddy, I love you so much Dad! "

And a day later, the man decided to commit suicide ...

Anger and Love is never limited, so please choose love life to be a beautiful and lovely, and please remember this: Objects are to use, and then to love people .

The problem of the world today is the opposite: people are to use, even for things they love.

Always try to remember the significance of this:

- Be careful with your thoughts, as you would say them.

- Be careful with your words, because you will make them.

- Be careful with your actions, for they will be your habit.

- Be careful of your habits, for they will be your personality.

- Be careful with your personality, so we will decide your fate.
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Messages of love

Love is a circle, because love can never start and end. You keep going and one day you will be back where you started ...

One day I asked him that, "I love you and love your life", he replied that "I love life." So I walked away but you never know that you are my life.
If he is in your tears, crying, I'll roll down to touch his lips. But if you were in his tears he would never cry because he did not want to lose you.

You can take a minute to feel like a person, an hour to the injured person, a day to love with a person. But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

When you meet a person means to you, but you know that he was born is not for you, then it is best to let them go.

Sea will become a wall between you and me, the blue sky is just nostalgia. I wish this life exists because you and I never want to lose you know how painful.

It is very painful when you love someone but not be responded to. But even more painful when you love someone without the courage to tell the people that you know how to love.

Maybe we have met a few people do that so wrong a few times before you meet the right person you love, and you have to respect that.

It is very sad when you see someone that you think deeply meaningful to you, only to finally realize that you love that will never be answered, and you are to go. But when one door closes, another door opens again. Tools you need to do is stop waiting where the closed door, find another door is open to her.

"Love has no reason and is stronger than death" - Thomas Mann

Giving someone all your heart is never an assurance that they love you, do not expect the opposite. Let love grow in their heart but if it does not happen, then at least satisfied that it has grown up in you.

Giving someone all your heart is never an assurance that they love you, do not expect the opposite. Let love grow in their heart but if it does not happen, then at least satisfied that it has grown up in you.

You will not find is ideal if you can live with that. But you have to find the ideal one if you can not live without them.

Never happened that the girl I love not knowing - we believe that we have a clear confession of a voice, a glance, a gentle touch.

You fell in love, had a taste of love .. Suddenly, you see the beauty, excitement everywhere. You did not hesitate to express love passionately, a gentle way, in words and in silence. And you feel strong, tolerant and full of vitality.

Life is not a lack of love life, but mere survival. Can not live without love because humans are born with a heart for the love.

"There is no remedy for love except love more" - Henry David Thoreau

"When love take words, it is the voice of God makes dreamy paradise of melody" - William Shakespeare

It can be captivating hearts with falsities, but can only conquer it with sincerity.

There are moments in life that you had them so much, that you just want to run and hug them tightly. Let the person know you've got to think like that!

Only if you really want someone to be happy, even if that happiness is not for you, you will understand that you really love that person died.

Love is a gift - that can only sprout when given away.

I wish you enough happiness to come up sweet, enough trials to back up strong, enough sorrow to understand your life, you have the confidence to step forward and have enough love to dedicate to life.

He lent me your shoulder to cry down first, to lend ears to listen, for you to hold hands, feet to walk with you. But I can not lend my heart belongs to you because it has gone.

A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means to you, and finally realize that they do not have to give birth and you can just let them go.

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The most precious thing in life

This is a letter to you, the blog of a parent who does not share facilities with words, the three most precious gift of life

When I was little I was playing, kept badgering usually only a few questions, "Why?" Three smiling no response, just guide me to find the answers themselves. The running back crying and asked her grandmother why this, why that it ... and three had heard her grandmother replied: "C ... voracious love her, everything that exists in this world has its own reasons . If there is no such reason, they do exist in this world. Most importantly, every second, every known species. The name does not do it other than its nature, but different in the mind of every person, because that name is because people put out ... "

Since then the three have never seen the introduction forgot his name with anyone, whether it be an acquaintance or a stranger, even with the teddy bear that I love Kina. I have introduced a whole they fully appreciate the yen as a way to confirm the presence of children in the world. My parents are happy I am proud of my name, as a gift for the dedicated parents.

You always remember the ones you do not even named my daughter everything and name all the things that I do not know what is it called ... I hope you remember that first precious thing as "the name ".

Yesterday both glad to cu Bin brother was born. This coincidence is also the date a few years ago, I was taking off. Two sisters share the birthday child. Birthday - three not know like Trinh Cong Son said "bad news from the birth mother to bring heavy" or not, but my son, you can not possibly deny fate.
Wishes of the parents of two sisters birthday child is "Live and courage." Feeding hungry, tired, then rest, do not worry much because life is simple capital. And every year on this day, take 5 years, 10 years or 20 years from now I hope parents will always love you and proud that I have helped on a small part of his life, me, please.

Thank you sisters have come to our family. My parents love me very much and "date of birth" is not affordable precious thing Monday?

In three roses with significant dedicated mother "I love you so much" and three want to do this every day though without any reason. My parents have lived together for many years now? 40 year period is a short non-life segment. I ask why parents can live happily together like that? "Love" ... certainly do love my dear! Parents believe the child will understand when you grow.

Do not you think that love is painful, as is anger broke ... do not misunderstand that I also love the roses, the bright sunshine and molasses. Love the way you live, how you share life together. This is your last price!

Send the request of the parents!
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The message is from life

I say to take away the life that my self-esteem, but refused life. Life told me that life can not take away my pride, but I can give up my self-esteem when I want.

I said to make life that make my handicapped child was healed, but refused life. Life told me that my child mind perfectly, and the body is temporary only.

I talk with my life, give endurance, but refused life. Life told me that there is suffering in part caused by the suffering - and the suffering is not a privilege granted - the ability to endure a life.

I said to let life bring me happiness, but refused life. Life is said to bring good luck and happiness to me originate from myself.

I said to make life reduces the pain in me, but refused life. The life that helped me endure the worry out of material and brought me closer to life than.

I told my life is thoughtful help, but refused life. Life told me that I have grown to know themselves, but life will be adorned in the years of my life to help me stumble once more life experiences.

And when I talk with my life that help might love someone as much as he loved me, told me that the life I finally understand the problem that life is not a miracle to bridge please, life is an opportunity for me to be loved and to love.

Life did not mean to make us afraid of fear, but we understand and want to live alone.
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Thursday, May 23, 2013

The meaning of a family

I ran into a stranger on the street while people pass by. "Oh sorry," I said. The other replies: "Well excuse me, I did not see her." We were very polite to each other.

But at home, things are different. Evening, as I was cooking, he stood behind her son. I turned and touched him as he fell to the floor leaning. "Stay away from others" - I said with a frown. My son walked away, his little heart broken. I did not realize that I was too impatient.

Once in bed I heard a voice whisper: "When you treat strangers very polite, but I myself have not done so. Come to find on the kitchen floor, with the flowers lay at the door. It's the flowers that my son gave me. Itself get picked these flowers: Which roses, yellow and blue again. It was quiet standing to bring the surprise, but you never see the tears flowed soaked up his little heart. "

At this point, I burst into tears. I quietly came to the bed and knelt down to his son: "Wake up, little boy, wake up. Are these the flowers you picked for you not? ". He smiled: "I found them on the tree. The mother picked her because they are beautiful. You know you love it, especially the blue flowers ".

What do you know from what family means?

FAMILY = Father And Mother, I Love You!
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If someday good things came out before your eyes ...

If it looks like the sky covered with gray clouds that you are going out in the rain ...
If you are expecting to see a rainbow of bright colors, but it gives you grief ...
If the earth continues to rotate where you have to come to an end ...
If you are looking for sunlight but all you see is the dark shadow ...
If all around you is the pleasure that you own is just sad ...
If you are too tired to continue life knock you ...
If you cry ...

So you think your tears fall to the ground did wonders: the beauty of the flowers as gentle on your hands.
Then you can feel the air around you is suddenly tingle smell of cut grass.
Then you can laugh and joke with the kids taking their innocence when they laugh.
Then imagine you are her cruising along a beautiful beautiful butterfly in a colorful forest.
Then you can listen to the whisper of the ocean and you to her skin by the caress of warm breezes of summer.

Then you can taste and feel a piece of candy sweetness of childhood memories are sweet on your tongue.
Then you can hear clear melody of singing birds welcoming a new day.
Then you remember that awfully sweet that you get from your mother's gentle kiss while hugging you in heart and cooing words of love unbounded.

Try to look for the good things in life. Take a look to the cloud iridescence on the head and not look black soil under the pavement. Life does not give us grace that we shall give for the life of the gift from the actions and their positive thinking.
Get started today from this moment. Because life has been a joy, a gift of the Creator's greatest gift to you.
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